Public Participation Plan, Title VI & Environmental Justice

CAMPO's Public Participation Plan (PPP)

CAMPO's guide to reaching out to the public at-large and targeted outreach strategies for traditionally underengaged communities. Originally adopted in 2012, the latest version was adopted in August of 2023. 

Title VI, Environmental Justice, and Language Assistance Plans

Title VI refers to the federal civil rights law.  CAMPO has a plan to address issues related to civil rights and environmental justice, including outreach to populations with limited English proficiency. Forms to file a civil rights complaint with CAMPO are included in the Appendix. 

Contact Us

Please contact Bonnie Parker via email, phone 984-542-3604 (voice), or in writing at CAMPO,  ATTN: Title VI Coordinator, 1 Fenton Main St., Suite 201, Cary, N.C. 27511