TRM Household Travel Survey

To support transportation planning in the Triangle, travel behavior survey data is currently collected every other year covering the entire region (see figure below). Surveys were initially collected in 1995, 2006 and 2016.  Starting with the 2016 survey, the survey became a recurring two year survey that continued in 2018. Data collection was delayed from the fall of 2020 to the spring of 2021 due to COVID-19.

A summary of the 1995, 2006 and 2016 HHTS travel trend data can be found here:

An interactive dashboard comparing the 1995, 2006 and 2016 data can be found here:

The following presentation provides a Travel Trend analysis between the 2016, 2018 and 2021 surveys.

During the pandemic, travel behavior changed significantly including how often, how far, which mode, why and when people travel. See this document for more information comparing the 2021 survey results with the 2018 survey results.

 The following HHTS reports are available:

Interested in reading about the impact of post pandemic teleworking in the Triangle.  The results from the  2018 - 2022 Triangle HHTS were presented by Abby Rosenson of RSG at the 2022 TRB meeting in Washington, DC

 The 2022 HHTS survey was conducted in the Fall of 2022.  As results become available, they will be posted to this page.