Mobility Coordination Committee (MCC)
What is the MCC?
The Mobility Coordination Committee (MCC) consists of staff level agency participants, from member organizations, which collectively serve as a coordinating and collaborate sounding board for stakeholders. The MCC is responsible for implementing goals and recommendations identified in the latest adopted Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan (CPT-HSTP) by providing policy recommendations and oversight to transportation agencies/providers and providing oversight to the mobility management program. The CPRT-SHTP serves as the federally required plan that sets the priorities for transportation investments and initiatives for human services and public transit coordination. The plan guides funding and service development for transportation projects supporting elderly, disabled and low-income individuals in the CAMPO region. The creation of the MCC was one recommendation from the 2018 plan, which was amended by the Executive Board in January 2020 and recently in September 2024. Recommendations are presented in three tiers of goals that lay out the implementation across short, medium and longer-term timeframes (See Section 6 of the CPT-SHTP).
Governing Documents
MCC Leadership
MCC Chair: Josh Jensen, Johnston County Area Transit System & County Senior Service (JCATS/CSS)
MCC Vice-Chair: Katie Schwing, Town of Apex/GoApex
Member Organizations
- Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO)
- Town of Apex/GoApex
- Town of Cary/GoCary
- GoTriangle
- Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS)
- Johnston County Area Transit/Community & Senior Services of Johnston County
(JCATS/CSS) - Kerr Area Rural Transit System (KARTS)
- Town of Morrisville
- City of Raleigh/GoRaleigh
- Town of Rolesville
- Town of Wake Forest
- Wake County/GoWake Access
- Non-Voting Member Organizations
Organizational Structure
The Committee is governed by the CAMPO Executive Board, reporting to the CAMPO Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) and the Wake Transit Planning Advisory Committee (TPAC), as required depending on funding responsibility and recommendations. The Committee has no prescribed authority beyond serving as a coordinating body in the region. Each jurisdiction works together to implement the goals outlined in the CPT-HSTP and to coordinate transportation services in CAMPO region.
Two subcommittees serve as working groups to the MCC. Subcommittees typically hold meetings on a monthly or bi-monthly basis with their responsibilities and roles outlined as follows:
ADA Services
Chair: Sheri Legans, Town of Cary/GoCary
Vice Chair: Sean Abrams, GoRaleighAccess
The ADA Subcommittee is made up of all regional transit provider agencies both planning, and operations staff and the group is collectively responsible for coordinating and addressing all ADA recommendations outlined in the CPT-HSTP.
Community Transportation (Rural) Services
Chair: Anita Davis, GoWakeAccess
Vice Chair: Barry Blevins, HARTS
The Community Transportation Subcommittee addresses all goals affecting the coordination of rural human services and public transit. This subcommittee takes the lead on inviting, with full MCC support, other transportation stakeholders from various agencies – human services transportation providers working with the rural areas to participate on the sub-committee to help coordinate services and advance the CPT-HSTP recommendations.