In addition to transit elements contained in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Comprehensive Transportation Plan, the MPO engages with our partner agencies to conduct regional transit planning.
North Harnett Transit Feasibility Study
As North Harnett County has continued to experience increased growth and development, its leaders have turned to exploring various mobility options, including transit, to serve the community. The North Harnett Transit Study will focus on analyzing and recommending transit options for the portion of Harnett County that overlaps with the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) boundary. The study will include substantial public engagement aimed at measuring the need and demand for transit services and developing recommendations for potential transit solutions, as well as recommending an implementation plan for a favored transit service.
Wake BRT: Western and Southern Rapid Bus Extensions Study
CAMPO completed major investment study (MIS) in 2023 that identified and evaluatde rapid bus routing options and select preferred solutions for rapid bus extensions to both of the planned Wake Bus Rapid Transit (BRT): Western and Southern Corridors. Visit the Study webpage.
Mobility Management Implementation Study
The Mobility Management Program Implementation Study (MMIS), funded by CAMPO, Wake County, the Town of Cary, and the City of Raleigh, aimed to guide the creation of a regional mobility management structure developing a mobility management program. Working with a consultant, the study team provided expert assistance in developing the mobility management program. The project study team was supported by a Technical Steering Committee made up of regional agency stakeholders along with the Mobility Coordination Committee. More...
Bus on Shoulder System (BOSS) Study
CAMPO and GoTriangle partnered with NCDOT and DCHC MPO to conduct a regional Bus on Shoulder System Study in 2020-2021. The study was conducted with the assistance of a consulting team led by HDR, Inc. The overall purpose was to evaluate feasibility and need for expanding BOSS operations throughout the Triangle, and outline opportunities for implementation of BOSS on appropriate roadways through upcoming projects in the Transportation Improvement Program or other transportation projects. The study also evaluated the current NCDOT BOSS implementation manual to recommend updated procedures for deploying BOSS in other areas of the state. The study culminated in a technical analysis of BOSS in the Triangle and an Implementation Blueprint for use in other areas of North Carolina. The study was guided by a Technical Steering Committee comprised of members from CAMPO, DCHC MPO, GoTriangle, NCDOT, NC State Highway Patrol, and the Regional Transportation Alliance.
- Executive Summary - Text Version
- Executive Summary - Graphic Version
- Final Report Including Appendices
Wake Transit Initiative
The original Wake Transit Plan was adopted by the CAMPO Executive Board, GoTriangle Board of Trustees, and Wake County Board of Commissioners in 2016, and an update to the Wake Transit Plan, which extended the original plan's horizon from 2027 through 2030, was adopted by the CAMPO Executive Board on April 21, 2021, and the GoTriangle Board of Trustees on April 28, 2021. The MPO incorporates the outputs of the Wake Transit program of work into the regional Metropolitan Transportation Plan.
An Interlocal Governance Agreement (ILA) designates the CAMPO Executive Board and GoTriangle Board of Trustees as the lead agencies responsible for ongoing technical and financial decisions related to Wake Transit Plan implementation. The ILA also created the Wake Transit Planning Advisory Committee (TPAC), a staff-level advisory committee comprised of agencies and local governments with jurisdiction in Wake County. The TPAC is charged with coordinating planning and implementation aspects of the Wake Transit Plan and serving in a structured advisory role to the CAMPO Executive Board and GoTriangle Board of Trustees.
R.E.D Priority Bus Lanes Study
CAMPO has completed this study to determine, through quantitative analysis, which transit corridors could benefit from the application of “R.E.D.” (RED) bus lanes or other bus priority treatments. For the purposes of this study, RED bus priority lanes are defined as roadway lanes treated with red product to identify priority bus only lanes with the exception of right hand turns, emergency response vehicles and driveway access. Other analyzed bus priority treatments and corridor improvements could include transit signal priority (TSP), queue jumps, on-street parking, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) coordination, and others. More...