RFPs, RFQs and Bids
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Request for Letters of Interest (RFLOI)
Addendum - Questions/Responses - January 31, 2025
Triangle Bikeway: General Engineering Consultant for Project Management Assistance
This RFLOI is to solicit responses (LETTERS of INTEREST, or LOIs) from qualified firms to provide professional consulting services to the Capital Area MPO for the following contract Scope of Work:
Assist with Project Management and Oversight on the Triangle Bikeway NEPA and Design Project. The Triangle Bikeway is a bicycle corridor identified through planning and feasibility study work to extend from Research Triangle Park to the City of Raleigh. The Capital Area MPO has contracted with an engineering firm to deliver NEPA documentation and up to at least 90% design for the project. The MPO has accepted management and coordination responsibilities for the project on behalf of member agencies. The MPO seeks professional engineering services to assist the CAMPO Project Manager with guidance and management for the project. This consultant will assist with general project management duties, providing mentorship to CAMPO staff as necessary. The consultant will also provide services related to technical reviews, design compliance, regulatory compliance, client team feedback, task order scoping, and assistance with monitoring scope, schedule and budget for the contract. The consultant will also provide feedback and guidance on control of access breaks, maintenance of traffic issues, structures, at-grade crossings, and FEMA modeling and processes (with Wake or Durham Counties as initiating agency). The consultant will provide technical assistance and guidance during public and stakeholder agency coordination meetings. The consultant will assist the CAMPO Project Manager with identification of risks throughout the design phase, including potential for cost overruns, delays, or unforeseen issues. The consultant will provide assistance with administering Review & Oversight agreements with NCDOT, planning for preparation of permitting coordination, real estate acquisition planning, utilities coordination, bid documents preparation, preparation of needs for eventual CEI, and similar administrative tasks associated with this type of project. Assistance with technical details as the project transitions from project development at the MPO to project construction at another agency may be requested. A familiarity with the Triangle Bikeway project and general project area is desirable. Knowledge of FHWA/NCDOT design and regulatory requirements is imperative.
This contract will be a cost-plus engagement that will last at least throughout the MPO’s contract for 90% design work, which is currently anticipated to conclude in June 2027. Work is anticipated to begin in March or April 2025. Contractor must agree to adhere to CAMPO contract provisions (included at Attachment 1) including all federal requirements. As the project moves out of project development and into construction, some assistance may be desired to coordinate transitional activities.
This contract may be partially reimbursed with Federal-aid funding through the North Carolina Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as the Department). The solicitation, selection, and negotiation of a contract shall be conducted in accordance with all Department requirements and guidelines. The consultant shall be pre-qualified by the Department to perform this type of work. The primary shall be a registered vendor with the Town of Cary, which is the Lead Planning Agency for CAMPO.
LOIs should be submitted electronically in .pdf format. LOIs shall be received electronically no later than 4:00 PM, February 12, 2025.
Go to full RFLOI
Deadline for QuestionsAll submissions, correspondence, and questions should be directed to Shelby Powell at Shelby.Powell@campo-nc.us. Questions may be submitted electronically only to this email address. Responses will be issued in the form of an addendum available to all interested parties via this webpage, the procurement webpage. Questions may be submitted no later than January 30, 2025. The last addendum with responses will be issued no later than January 31, 2025 |
January 30, 2025 |
Letters of Interest Submittal Deadline
Deliver letters, per instructions in the full RFLOI, via email as PDF attachments to Shelby Powell. |
4 PM EST |
February 12, 2025 |
Anticipated Firm Selection and Notification |
February 17, 2025 |
Anticipated Notice to Proceed |
March 26, 2025 |
Go to full RFLOI