Prioritization 6.0 (SPOT 6)
SPOT 6 refers to the process that guides the development of a 2023-2032 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). It began in late 2019.
--SPOT 6 Cancelled - Summer 2021--
Part One: Submittal of Candidate Projects
MPOs across the state start their work by prioritizing the projects to be submitted to the SPOT 6 process. This includes:
- A call for non-roadway projects (bike/ped, transit, and aviation) from local municipalities and transportation agencies in the fall of 2019.
- Candidate roadway projects are gathered from the MPO's approved Transportation Improvement Plan and Metropolitan Transportation Plan, and along with the non-roadway projects, a proposed list is then recommended to and approved by the Executive Board.
- The MPO submits the projects to SPOT 6 by July 31, 2020. (Schedule adjusted by NCDOT on 4/14/2020; previous deadline was May 1
Part Two: Project Scoring by NCDOT
- NCDOT Releases Initial Project Scores (prioritized lists by mode - roadways, non-roadways)
- NCDOT Releases the Draft Statewide Mobility Projects list.
Both are anticipated in May of 2021.
Part Three: Assignment of Local Input Points
- Regional Impact Category
Staff evaluates the CAMPO project submittals and recommends additional point assignments for regional projects to the Executive Board for approval and resubmittal to SPOT 6 by August 27, 2021.
NCDOT then releases a draft list of Regional Impact Projects in October of 2021.
2. Division Needs Category
Staff evaluates the CAMPO project submittals and recommends additional point assignments for division needs projects to the Executive Board for approval and resubmittal to SPOT 6 by January 28, 2022.
Part Four: DRAFT 2023-2032 STIP Released by NCDOT
This is anticipated to occur in May of 2022. All of the above dates are subject to change.
For more information on any of these items please contact Alex Rickard.