Prioritization 8.0 (SPOT 8)
For Current SPOT cycle please see CAMPO's SPOT 7 Webpage!
SPOT 8.0 refers to the prioritization process that guides the development of the 2028-2037 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the main vehicle for transportation improvement funding in the state as set by the State Transportation Investments (STI) Law. This process is anticipated to begin in Summer of 2025.
In the summer of 2021 it was decided by NCDOT to cancel the SPOT 6 process in the development of the Adopted 2024-2033 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program. The Prioritization Committee went forward with the quantitative scoring of projects to help MPO/RPO and local municalities make decisions on future project submittals. The normal SPOT selection cycle resumed for the following cycle, Prioritization 7, for the formation of the 2026-2035 STIP.
Part One: Review and Submittal of Projects from P7
MPOs/RPOs across the state start their work by prioritizing the projects in their jurisdictions to be submitted to the SPOT 8 process. For CAMPO, this includes:
1. A Call for non-roadway projects (bike/ped, transit, and aviation) from local municipalities and transportation agencies in the spring through summer in 2025.
2. Candidate roadway projects are gathered from the MPO's approved Transportation Improvement Program and Metropolitan Transportation Plan, and along with the non-roadway projects, a proposed list is then recommended to and approved by the Executive Board.
The MPO expects to submit projects to SPOT 8 in October 2025.
Part Two: Project Scoring by NCDOT
NCDOT's scoring process provides quantitative scores for projects based on the project information provided by MPOs/RPOs.
NCDOT Releases the Initial Project Scores and Draft Statewide Mobility Projects lists over the Fall of 2023 and Spring of 2024.
Part Three: Assignment of Local Input Points
Statewide projects are scored and decided based purely on data, but Regional and Division level projects utilize local input points to help prioritize projects.
1. Regional Impact Category
2. Division Needs Category
Part Four: Draft 2026-2035 STIP Release & Adoption by NCDOT
Staff Contacts: Alex Rickard & Daniel Spruill