Pavement, Bridge, and Travel Time (System) Performance Targets
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Federal regulations require MPOs and State DOTs to set targets for six pavement and bridge condition performance measures and three system performance measures.
NCDOT proposed the targets in the table below for Calendar Years 2022-2025, which were approved by the Executive Board in May of 2023.
2022-2025 Targets - Approved
Pavement - Good or Poor |
2-Year Target |
4-Year Target |
% Interstate Pavement Condition (Good) | 60.0% | 62.0% |
% Interstate Pavement Condition (Poor) | 1.8% | 1.5% |
% Non-Interstate NHS Pavement Condition (Good) | 30.0% | 31.0% |
% Non-Interstate NHS Pavement Condition (Poor) | 3.5% | 3.0% |
Bridges |
% NHS Bridges Condition (Good) | 38.0% | 36.0% |
% NHS Bridges Condition (Poor) | 5.0% | 5.0% |
Travel Time (System) |
% Interstate miles Level of Travel Time Reliability | 75.0% | 75.0% |
% Non-Interstate NHS miles Level of Travel Time Reliability | 70.0% | 70.0% |
% Interstate miles Truck Travel Time Reliability | 1.70% | 1.70% |
NCDOT Definitions for Measures
Interstate and Non-Interstate NHS Pavement Condition (Good): Total interstate or non-Interstate NHS lane miles in good condition based on IRI (measure of pavement smoothness), cracking percent, and rutting or faulting. All condition metrics must exhibit good to classify pavement as good.
Interstate Pavement Condition (Poor): Total interstate or non-Interstate NHS lane miles in good condition based on IRI (measure of pavement smoothness), cracking percent, and rutting or faulting. If one condition metric exhibits poor, the segment is classified as poor pavement.
NHS Bridge Condition (Good): Total deck area of NHS bridges and culverts where all components (deck, superstructure, substructure for bridges) are assigned a condition rating of "Good" or better based on annual inspections, compared total NHS bridge deck area.
NHS Bridge Condition (Poor): Total deck area of NHS bridges and culverts where one component (deck, superstructure, substructure for bridges) is assigned a condition rating of "Poor" based on annual inspections, compared total NHS bridge deck area.
Interstate and Non-Interstate NHS Level of Travel Time Reliability (LOTTR): Reliability measures (based on 80th percentile travel time v. 50th percentile travel time, sourced from in-vehicle GPS and mobile sources) is combined with person miles traveled to estimate the percent of person miles traveled that are reliable.
Interstate Truck Travel Time Reliability (TTTR): Reliability measure based on the worst 95th percentile truck travel time v. 50th percentile truck travel time, sourced from in-vehicle GPS and fleet date) is averaged across the length of all Interstate segments.