Mobility Management Implementation Study
Final Mobility Management Implementation Study Report June 2023
About the Study
The Mobility Management Program Implementation Study (MMIS), conducted Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 - 2023 has concluded. Funded by CAMPO, Wake County, the Town of Cary, and the City of Raleigh, the study aims to guide the creation of a regional mobility management structure developing a mobility management program. Working with a consultant, the study team worked to provide expert assistance in developing the mobility management program. The project study team was supported by a Technical Steering Committee made up of regional agency stakeholders along with the Mobility Coordination Committee.
The updated 2018 Coordinated Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Plan for Wake County and the Raleigh urbanized area was approved in February of 2020. The ultimate objective of a coordinated plan is to create a seamless transportation system, which maximizes mobility for individuals, eliminates barriers for travelers and achieves operational efficiency.
The project team has provided information and outreach to boards/stakeholders during the study to educate the stakeholders on mobility management programs, inform of findings and to seek input and comments on the work. Along with the Final Mobility Management Implementation Study report that was completed June 2023 and posted for thirty (30) days for public comments, three (3) informational items have been created to introduce the study to stakeholders and the public – a primer defining Mobility Management, a flyer summarizing the study and a PowerPoint presentation (below).
Study Goals
This regional plan recommends five (5) structural goals to address the identified transportation gaps and service needs for our region’s elderly, disabled and low-income populations.
There are five major goals of the study:
- To provide expert, concise, comprehensive information and recommendations to help the partners determine whether to participate in a CAMPO area regional mobility management program;
- To assist the partners in understanding the best practices, approach, and structure to implementing a mobility management program in this region including what the benefits, challenges and the impacts to existing services are;
- Prepare an interagency local agreement that incentivizes partnerships and coordination to build a successful, scalable mobility management program to proceed in a Phase II implementation;
- Assist the partners in establishing a viable Mobility Management Program that is suitable for the region and lays a strong foundation for future growth and improved coordination ensuring resources and funding needs, and technical advances that addresses the transportation network needs and is centered around mobility;
- Develop an Implementation Strategy, Plan and Schedule including a stakeholder’s outreach marketing strategy to develop the mobility management program around participating agencies including Board/Authority and public input.
Timeline & Study Phases
The study, completed in the summer of 2023, is broken into two phases.
- Phase I is information gathering, analysis, stakeholder engagements and initial reports development while Phase II is the implementation of participating agencies into the newly developed mobility management program. Specifically, Phase I of the study includes the review and analysis of existing and pending regional studies, plans and programs, drafting a public engagement strategy as well as a recommendation regarding potentially hiring a regional mobility manager. Phase I also includes preparing a high level “white paper” identifying benefits and challenges a mobility program may create for the existing regional transit services/transportation programs, a best practices and peer review and analysis, Board / stakeholder outreach and presentations and development of an Interlocal Agreement for agencies able to participate in Phase II.
- Phase II, which is the actual implementation of the mobility management program includes final development and analysis of operational details of participating agencies, implementing the outreach strategy and a final report. In the fall of 2022, after the study team completes the implementation plan and more information is shared with the boards, staff will be asking the stakeholder agency boards and this board for decisions on whether each specific agency should participate in the regional mobility management program as designed and if so, to sign a multi-agency, interlocal agreement.