Federal Certification
NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY CAMPO's planning processes are reviewed every four years by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration. During this Certification Review, planning processes, public outreach and other items are reviewed. Members of the public are invited to provide input during this review. A thirty (30) day public review and comment period will be held from March 30, 2025 through April 30, 2025. Please send comments or questions to campocomments@publicinput.com or call the CAMPO Office at (984) 542-3601. Comments can also be mailed to: CAMPO |
Every four years the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration review the planning processes of CAMPO to ensure consistency with federal requirements. During this certification review, planning processes, public outreach and other items are reviewed.
The most recent Federal Certification Review was conducted in the summer of 2021.
Similarly, the MPO's self certification is published as an appendix to the Unified Planning Work Program each year.