USDOT weblinks for Federal funding programs, in particular the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA; Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)):
- IIJA Information
- FHWA Guidance for IIJA
- FHWA Competitive Grant Programs Matrix
- FHWA BIL Safety Info
- FHWA BIL Fact Sheets
- USDOT Navigator for Grant Resources
- AMPO's Notices of Funding Opportunities Tracker
- Notices of Upcoming Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Announcements
- Public Transportation IIJA Programs, Grants
- FRA Calendar of Discretionary Grant Releases
- USDOT Thriving Communities Initiative
- Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program
- Safe Streets for All (SS4A)
- National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program
- Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program
- INFRA Grants (Multimodal)
- Mega (Multimodal) Project Discretionary Grants
- PROTECT: Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Discretionary Grant Program
- Transit-Oriented Development Planning
The MPO directs a number of funding sources for transportation planning and programming. The following pages describe the MPO's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Strategic Transportation Prioritization process (SPOT), the MPO's Locally Administered Projects Projects (LAPP), and the MPO's annual Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) outlines ten years of planned capital expenditure on transportation projects in the region. The TIP is adopted by the MPO's Executive Board and is amended as needed to stay consistent with the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) adopted by the NCDOT Board of Transportation. Projects are programmed through the State's competitive SPOT process and through CAMPO's competitive LAPP process.
The Strategic Transportation Prioritization (SPOT) is the methodology that NCDOT uses to develop the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The process involves scoring all roadway, public transportation, bicycle, pedestrian, rail, and aviation projects on a number of criteria. Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs), and the NCDOT Division offices also contribute to the final project score by assigning local priority points to projects. For more information on SPOT and STI, contact Alex Rickard.
The MPO's Locally Administered Projects Program (LAPP) is the process the MPO uses to allocate the federal dollars that are the direct responsibility of the MPO. Each year, MPO members submit project applications to compete for these funds. The LAPP includes the MPO's Surface Transportation Program - Direct Allocation (STP-DA) funds and the Congestion Mitigation for Air Quality (CMAQ) funds. The LAPP program is meant to fund NEPA/PE, Right of Way Acquisition and/or Construction of a project. For more information on the LAPP process, contact Chandler Hagen.
The annual Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) shows the schedule and funding sources for planning studies, updating the MPO's Metropolitan Transportation Plan, and other technical work of the MPO. For more information on the UPWP, contact Shelby Powell.
The Section 5310 Program provides grants to assist non-profit organizations, private operators, and public agencies providing coordinated transportation services that are planned, designed, and carried out to meet the needs of elderly persons and persons with disabilities. For more information on the 5310 Program, contact Crystal Odum.