Safety Performance Targets

PUBLIC NOTICE:  CAMPO is currently considering to agree to support the NC Department of Transportation in reaching their adopted Safety Performance Measure Targets for 2025.  The 2025 Safety Performance Measure Targets  are available for public review and comment until February 18, 2025.  The Executive Board is anticipated to approve these targets at their meeting on February 19, 2025. Comments can be submitted through the webform, via email to, via phone to 984-542-3601, or via U.S. Mail to: CAMPO Public Comments, Attn: Bonnie Parker, 1 Fenton Main Street, Suite 201, Cary, NC 27511.


Safety iconRoadways and Public Transit


Federal regulations require MPOs and State DOTs to set targets for five safety performance measures for highways 

NCDOT has proposed the following targets for Calendar Year 2025.


Reduce by


Fatalities -30.40%/year 1,585.2 (2019-2023 ave.) to
1,103.3 (2021-2025 ave.)
Fatality Rate -31.63%/year 1.353 (2019-2023 ave.) to
0.925 (2021-2025 ave.)
Serious Injuries -38.80%/year 5,236.8 (2019-2023 ave.) to
3,204.8 (2021-2025 ave.)
Serious Injury Rate -40.12%/year 4.467 (2019-2023 ave.) to
2.675 (2021-2025 ave.)
Non-Motorized Fatalities &
Serious Injuries
-39.01%/year 712.6 (2019-2023 ave.) to
434.6 (2021-2025 ave.)



NCDOT has proposed the following targets for Calendar Year 2024. Approved by the CAMPO Executive Board on January 17, 2024.


Reduce by


Fatalities -25.73%/year 1,550.6 (2018-2022 ave.) to
1,151.7 (2020-2024 ave.)
Fatality Rate -27.11 %/year 1.327 (2018-2022 ave.) to
0.967 (2020-2024 ave.)
Serious Injuries -34.27%/year 5,038.6 (2018-2022 ave.) to
3,312.1 (2020-2024 ave.)
Serious Injury Rate -35.80%/year 4.311 (2018-2022 ave.) to
2.767 (2020-2024 ave.)
Non-Motorized Fatalities &
Serious Injuries
-33.27%/year 676.0 (2018-2022 ave.) to
451.1 (2020-2024 ave.)


 NCDOT proposed the following targets for Calendar Year 2023. Approved by the CAMPO Executive Board on January 18, 2023


Reduce by


Fatalities -19.57%/year 1,494.8 (2017-2021 ave.) to
1,202.29 (2019-2023 ave.)
Fatality Rate -20.95 %/year 1.279 (2017-2021 ave.) to
1.011 (2019-2023 ave.)
Serious Injuries -30.19%/year 4,903.4 (2017-2021 ave.) to
3,423.0 (2019-2023 ave.)
Serious Injury Rate -31.75%/year 4.195 (2017-2021 ave.) to
2.863 (2019-2023 ave.)
Non-Motorized Fatalities &
Serious Injuries
-26.52%/year 637.2 (2015-2019 ave.) to
468.2 (2017-2021 ave.)



NCDOT proposed the following targets for Calendar Year 2022. The CAMPO Executive Board endorsed these measures for use at their meeting on February 16, 2022. 

By December 31, 2022:


Reduce by


Fatalities -12.17%/year 1,428.8 (2016-2020 ave.) to
1,254.9 (2018-2022 ave.)
Fatality Rate -13.78%/year 1.226 (2016-2020 ave.) to
1.057 (2018-2022 ave.)
Serious Injuries -19.79%/year 4,410.2 (2016-2020 ave.) to
3,537.6 (2018-2022 ave.)
Serious Injury Rate -21.68%/year 3.782 (2016-2020 ave.) to
2.962 (2018-2022 ave.)
Non-Motorized Fatalities &
Serious Injuries
-17.93%/year 592.2 (2015-2019 ave.) to
486.0 (2017-2021 ave.)

NCDOT proposed the the following targets for Calendar Year 2021. The CAMPO Executive Board endorsed them for use at their meeting on February 17, 2021. 

By December 31, 2021:


Reduce by


Fatalities -4.20%/year 1,427.2 (2015-2019 ave.) to
1,309.9 (2017-2021 ave.)
Fatality Rate -4.35%/year 1.208 (2015-2019 ave.) to
1.105 (2017-2021 ave.)
Serious Injuries -3.24%/year 3,905.0 (2015-2019 ave.) to
3,656.1 (2017-2021 ave.)
Serious Injury Rate -3.35%/year 3.281 (2015-2019 ave.) to
3.065 (2017-2021 ave.)
Non-Motorized Fatalities &
Serious Injuries
-3.65%/year 543.4 (2015-2019 ave.) to
504.4 (2017-2021 ave.)

Public Transit - PTASP

Transit Performance Safety Targets - Approved

In 2018, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) published the Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) Final Rule, which requires operators of public transportation systems that receive federal funds under the FTA's Urbanized Area Formula 5307 Program Grants to develop safety plans that include the processes and procedures to implement Safety Management Systems (SMS). Under the PTASP rule, an operator is required to develop and maintain an Agency Safety Plan, set safety performance targets based on the safety performance measures in the National Safety Plan (NSP) and share with the MPO and State. The NSP safety performance measures are:

  • Fatalities
  • Injuries
  • Safety Events
  • System Reliability (State of Good Repair)

The MPO is required to set regional performance targets for each performance measure after the transit agency establishes their performance targets. Per regulations and after consultation with the FTA, FHWA, NCDOT and the partner agencies, CAMPO staff developed initial safety target measures for the region which the CAMPO Executive Board adopted in May of 2021.

In the summer of 2021, CAMPO staff and the region's transit partners developed the final transit performance safety targets recommendations. The Executive Board approved the final targets in November of 2021 for incorporation into the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program