Wake Transit Plan

Click for event Information and to register for the 2025 Wake Transit 101: State of the Plan event (April 30, 2025) 

The 2035 Wake Transit Plan Update process is underway. Click here to learn more and to share your thoughts on the project webpage. 

The original 2016 Wake County Transit Plan and associated Interlocal Governance Agreement, which spells out the governance and implementation structure for the plan, were adopted by the CAMPO Executive Board May 18, 2016, the GoTriangle Board of Trustees May 25, 2016, and the Wake County Board of Commissioners June 6, 2016. An update to the original plan was adopted in April of 2021 by the CAMPO Executive Board and GoTriangle Board of Trustees. The update extends the Wake Transit Planning horizon out through FY2030. Click to view the FY2021-2030 Wake County Transit Plan Update

The Interlocal Governance Agreement (ILA) includes three key designations: CAMPO and GoTriangle are designated as the lead agencies responsible for the ongoing planning and implementation of the Wake Transit Plan, each agency's governing board is responsible for the ongoing technical and financial decision-making related to plan implementation, and the Wake County Transit Planning Advisory Committee (TPAC), a staff-level advisory committee comprised of agencies and local governments with jurisdiction in Wake County, is established and charged with coordinating planning and implementation aspects of the Wake County Transit Plan and serving in a structured advisory role to the CAMPO Executive Board and GoTriangle Board of Trustees. 

Governing Documents

Tax District / Financial Guidelines

Performance Report & Tracking


You can also view the Wake Transit Annual Progress Reports in the TPAC Document Library