Transportation Improvement Program

PUBLIC NOTICE:  CAMPO is currently considering an amendment to the Adopted FY 2024-2033 Transportation Improvement Program.  Proposed Amendment #7  is available for public review and comment until March 18, 2025, with a public hearing scheduled for the Executive Board meeting on March 19, 2025. Comments can be submitted through the webform, via email to, via phone to 984-542-3601, or via U.S. Mail to: CAMPO Public Comments, Attn: Bonnie Parker, 1 Fenton Main Street, Suite 201, Cary, NC 27511.

The TIP is adopted every two years but may be amended as necessary in order to account for changes in funding, and project schedule and to remain consistent with the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Projects are programmed through the State's competitive SPOT process and through CAMPO's competitive LAPP process.

FY 2024-2033 Transportation Improvement Program - Approved 

  • Proposed Amendment #7 to the FY 2024-2033 TIP - Available for public review and comment until February 18, 2025, with a public hearing scheduled for the Executive Board meeting on February 19, 2025. Comments can be submitted through the webformvia email to comments@campo-nc.usvia phone to 984-542-3601, or via U.S. Mail to: CAMPO Public Comments, Attn: Bonnie Parker, 1 Fenton Main Street, Suite 201, Cary, NC 27511.
  • Amendment #6 to the FY 2024-2033 TIP - Approved November 20, 2024
  • Amendment #5 to the FY 2024-2033 TIP - Approved August 21, 2024
  • Amendment #4 to the FY 2024-2033 TIP - Approved May 15, 2024
  • Amendment #3 to the FY 2024-2033 TIP - Approved March 20, 2024
  • Amendment #2 to the FY 2024-2033 TIP - Approved January 17, 2024
  • Amendment #1 to the FY 2024-2033 TIP - Approved October 18, 2023

The FY 2024-2033 TIP and supplemental AQ Conformity Report were approved by the Executive Board at their meeting in August 2023.

Adopted FY 2024-2033 Transportation Improvement Program


FY 2020-2029 Transportation Improvement Program - Approved

The FY 2020-2029 TIP and supplemental AQ Conformity Report were approved by the Executive Board at their meeting in October 2019. 

Adopted FY 2020-2029 Transportation Improvement Program

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report 

FFY 23 Federal Authorizations

Under 23 USC 134(j)(7)(B) and 23 CFR 450.334, "An annual listing of projects for which Federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year shall be published or otherwise made available by the metropolitan planning organization for public review."  

The FFY 23 CAMPO Authorizations List identifies the project number, date of authorization, type of work, amount of work, and whether it is state or federal funds. Note that in the case of projects that are included based on County / Divisionwide / Statewide, they may be partially or completely outside the MPO area. There were some instances where all the funds that were previously authorized were not needed. In those cases, a portion of the funding authorization was removed, and this negative value is denoted by parentheses.

The MPO is also required to post an FFY 23 CAMPO Transit Authorizations List, of all transit projects, not just those using STI funds.  The list includes information on transit grant agreements for projects within the MPO counties that were executed during the 2023 Federal fiscal year. This list includes every project within the counties that are wholly or partially within the MPO area. Therefore, some of the projects on the list may not fall within the MPO’s jurisdiction.

NCDOT and the STIP

In August 2019, following a 16-month development process known as SPOT 5.0, NCDOT released the final draft of the 2020-2029 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which included both new projects and schedule adjustments from the previous draft released in January.  The final draft version was approved by the N.C. Board of Transportation in September 2019. The MPO was involved in the STIP development process, described further on the SPOT 5.0 webpage.  

FY 2018-2027 Transportation Improvement Program - Approved and Amended

FY 2018-2027 Transportation Improvement Program - Approved

For more information about SPOT, STI, TIP or to provide comments, please contact: Alex Rickard, Deputy Director, (984) 542-3628.