Locally Administered Projects Program (LAPP)
The Locally Administered Projects Program (LAPP) was first adopted by the NC Capital Area MPO on October 20, 2010. The program is used by the MPO to prioritize and program local transportation projects in the region that utilize federal funding and are the responsibility of the MPO (such as Surface Transportation Block Grant Program – Direct Allocation (STBGP-DA), Congestion Mitigation for Air Quality (CMAQ), etc.). LAPP is a competitive funding program managed by CAMPO that prioritizes locally administered projects in the Region. These projects are funded using federal funding sources directly attributed to the region with a minimum 20% local match. Member jurisdictions of the CAMPO region are eligible to apply for these funds. Projects compete as either roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian, or transit projects; while Complete Streets elements are required for all projects considered.
LAPP FFY 2026 Investment Program - Approved
The recommended list of projects, known as the LAPP Investment Program, was approved by the Executive Board Meeting in March 2025. After approval, local jurisdictions will have from October 1, 2025, to September 30, 2026, to receive federal authorization to begin work on the funded phases of their projects.
- FFY 26 LAPP Recommended Investment Program
- FFY 26 LAPP Selection Panel Meeting Notes
- FFY 26 LAPP Recommended Projects Map
LAPP FFY 2026 Target Modal Investments Mix
The Target Modal Investment Mix was approved by the CAMPO Executive Board on August 21, 2024. The Executive Board also approved of applying equity criteria to the project scores for testing purposes only. The Executive Board did not approve the recommendations that would have required applicants to meet specific milestones before being eligible to request right-of-way or construction funding.
Staff contact: Chandler Hagen