2055 Metropolitan Transportation Plan - Destination 2055

Visit the Destination 2055 website

This webpage hosts technical information for the development of the 2055 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The Destination2055nc.org webpage hosts information intended for a general audience.


The MTP takes approximately 18 months to update, and generally occurs every 4-5 years. The following outlines the steps in the update process.

graphic of MTP development process including four steps:  1) Vision & Goals  2) Analysis & Evaluation  3) Preferred Option  4) Final Plan

Where are we now? 

Deficiency and Needs Analysis

The MPO staff has begun development of updated draft scenario alternatives for the 2055 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (2055 MTP/CTP). The first of these scenarios is known as the Deficiency Analysis. This is a baseline scenario for the future that is used to help analyze the various scenarios we use in the upcoming Alternatives Analysis stage. The Deficiency Analysis includes our future projected growth with only our existing and committed transportation network and is used to help inform our forecasts for population, employment, and travel changes between today and our ultimate 2055 horizon year during the Alternatives Analysis. More information is available on the Maps & Data webpage.

Alternatives Analysis

Three (3) scenarios demonstrating potential futures for the Triangle region's transportation system were developed and modeled. Each scenario was evaluated against performance measures tied to the eight (8) goals which were approved by the CAMPO and DCHC MPO Boards earlier in the MTP Development process. Information about the status of the current transportation network and each future alternatives scenario will be posted on the Destination 2055 website. 

Community input will be a critical step in providing a public voice during the alternatives analysis phase. We anticipate that the public engagement activities on the alternative scenarios to occur from April to May 2025. At the conclusion of the alternatives analysis phase, decisions regarding which scenario attributes to carry forward into a “preferred" plan (similar to a final draft) will be made. 

Where have we been?  

Goals & Objectives infographic listing 8 goals

CAMPO and TWTPO (formerly DCHC MPO) adopt Goals and their related Objectives to guide the overall 2055 Metropolitan Transportation Plan development process. Following community engagement, which included an online survey, results were presented to the CAMPO and TWTPO boards at their Joint Board meeting on January 31, 2024, and to CAMPO's Executive Board at their February 2024 meeting.

The CAMPO Executive Board approved the Goals and Objectives for use in the development of the 2055 MTP at their meeting in November 2024. 

Public Officials Training - March 12, 2025