Destination 2055 MTP

Visit the Destination 2055 website


The Metropolitan Transportation Plan takes approximately 18 months to update, and generally occurs every 4-5 years.  The following outlines the steps in the update process.

2055 MTP Development Process Image


Goals & Objectives infographic listing 8 goals

As part of the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan, CAMPO and DCHC MPO adopted Goals and their related Objectives to guide the 2050 MTP. To start the development of the 2055 Metropolitan Transportation Plan, MPOs are starting by putting the existing Goals and Objectives back out to the public to gauge community support or need for change to existing goals.  The results of the survey were presented to the CAMPO and DCHC MPO boards at their Joint Board meeting on January 31, 2024. 

Destination 2055 Website