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2055 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Development
Development of the 2055 MTP is underway. Interactive maps, PDF maps, and project lists will be posted on this webpage as they become available.
2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) - Approved
2050 MTP (Approved) - Interactive Map
2050 MTP Maps & Projects List (Approved) - PDF
Forecast Maps
The following animated maps ("GIFs") were produced for the 2050 MTP Development process.
Household and Jobs Growth 2020 to 2050
Vehicular Forecast
Using the Triangle Regional Model, forecasts of vehicular congestion were created based on existing levels and estimates for future (2050) levels on the region's roadways. Both maps are animated based on snapshots in a typical 24-hour period, demonstrating the morning and afternoon peak, and mid-day periods.
2050 - E+C (visit 2050 MTP webpage for details)
NCDOT also provides a map of projects that are included in the approved State Transportation Improvement Program.