Triangle Regional Model
The Triangle Regional Model Generation 2 (TRMG2) is an advanced regional travel demand model. It uses a series of mathematical model to represent the transportation system and the daily multi-modal travel choices that people make. The TRM is the principal analytical tool used by transportation agencies in our region to develop and evaluate transportation strategies that support the mobility, accessibility, economic health and quality of life for the Triangle region. The TRM covers all of Wake, Durham, and Orange counties; and portions of Alamance, Chatham, Franklin, Granville, Harnett, Johnston (soon to be fully covered), Nash, and Person counties. This area covers approximately 3,400 square miles, including all or part of 40 jurisdictions. The area is divided into 2,857 TAZs (Traffic Analysis Zones) that include a total of 1,040,972 jobs and 1,997,445 people (2020). The modeled transportation system includes 5,640 miles of major roadways and 240 transit routes operated by 7 transit systems encompassing some 60,000 service miles. Resulting travel demand captures choices related to the number and types of trips people make, the mode (walk, bike, transit, auto) they use to travel, the choice of destination, and the paths used to reach that destination.
Travel Demand Modeling
The TRM is jointly developed and mantained as a partnership between the Capital Area MPO, the DCHC MPO, GoTriangle, and NCDOT, through the N.C. State Intitute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE).
Socio-economic guide totals summarize the major elements of the socioeconomic forecasts for different portions of the area covered by the TRM. The estimated 2020 and forecasted 2050 population and employment are key inputs into the TRM which generates important travel demand information. For forecast data, the MPO uses a land use modeling process called CommunityViz that is based on county-level 2050 guide totals and effectively distributes the population and employment growth across the region.
The most recent release of the TRMG2 can be found here: