TPAC Meetings
Monthly TPAC meetings are typically held on the Third Thursday of each month from 9:30am-12:00pm (2025 Meeting Schedule & Title VI Notice) and are open to the public. At least 7 days in advance of each scheduled meeting, information on how to join the event and the agenda are posted below. To request assistance to participate in a scheduled meeting or to ask about the TPAC, please email
TPAC Leadership:
TPAC Chair: Kelly Blazey, Town of Cary
Vice Chair: Katie Schwing, Town of Apex
Upcoming TPAC Meeting:
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Web Link:
Meeting Code: 2539 907 5747
Join by Phone:1-650-479-3208
TPAC Agenda:
Uploaded the morning of each scheduled meeting.
* Prior meeting materials can be viewed in the TPAC Archives HERE.
Public Comment & Accommodation Statement:
The Wake County Transit Planning Advisory Committee (TPAC) administered by the Capital Area MPO is responsible for managing elements of Wake Transit Plan implementation as well as the planning and execution of TPAC meetings. Members of the public are encouraged to share comments and provide feedback to the TPAC. There is an opportunity for public comment at the beginning of each meeting. When speaking, please tell us your name and place of residence; please limit comments to three minutes per speaker.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), accommodations will be provided for persons who require assistance in order to participate in Wake Transit and TPAC meetings hosted by the N.C. Capital Area MPO's meetings. If assistance is needed to participate in a planned meeting or event, please contact the CAMPO office at 984-542-3601 (voice) at least
72 hours in advance of the meeting. If you are hearing or speech is impaired and you use TTY (Teletypewriter Service), please call North Carolina Relay at 800-735-2962 and request a connection to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization at 984-542-3601.
It is the policy of CAMPO and the TPAC to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, Executive Orders 12898 and 13166, and related nondiscrimination statutes and regulations in all programs and services. No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, income status, national origin, or disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program, activity of CAMPO. If you feel you have been subjected to discrimination, you may file a complaint by contacting the CAMPO Title VI Coordinator at 984-542-3601.