2050 MTP Deficiencies and Needs Analysis
A Deficiency Analysis compares today’s travel conditions with that of a future year. It shows staff, the MPO Executive Board and the broader community where transportation investments in highways, transit and other modes are needed to address the future mobility demands. It helps to set a baseline that is used in the development and evaluation of the various transportation alternatives that will be considered in a subsequent step of the 2050 MTP development.
Results & Maps
Travel Times - Current Conditions (2016)
Travel Times - 2050 Forecast - Existing Conditions + Committed Projects
Congestion "Tomato Maps" - Current Conditions (2016)
Congestion "Tomato Maps" - 2050 Forecast - Existing Conditions + Committed Projects
- Roadways - Weekday Peak Hours
- Roadways - Off Peak
- Animated Roadways Map
- Roadways by Type (Federal Functional Classifications)
- Transit Network
Background on Deficiency Analysis
Years used in Analysis
The measures and maps are based on a travel demand model that estimates conditions in two different years:
- 2016 - This is 2016 population and employment using the existing transportation system of streets, transit, etc., and reflects the current travel conditions. In some cases, the year 2015 has been used for the base year.
- 2050 Existing + Committed (E+C) - This is the estimated growth in population and employment through the year 2050 but using the existing transportation system plus any projects that are committed to construction or implementation. While somewhat unrealistic, it does help set a baseline for evaluating future mobility investments. This “no build” scenario allows us to see where future mobility deficiencies are to be expected.
Congestion "Tomato Maps"
Congestion maps, commonly referred to as “Tomato Maps” are visualizations that depict levels of congestion on the roadway network. These maps show the forecasted congestion on specific road segments and can show all day or specific times of day, typically CAMPO will show both peak period and off peak times for comparison. These types of maps show a comparison of the anticipated volume to the designed capacity of the facility, also known as a “V/C ratio”. This ratio is traffic volume divided by the traffic capacity of the road segment. (For example, a volume of 9,000 vehicles on a road that is capable of carrying 10,000 vehicles will produce a V/C of 0.9).
What is the Next Step?
With the MPO's Goals and Objectives in mind, staff will use the deficiency data to create several alternative scenarios to meet the future travel demand. This Alternatives Analysis is the next step after Deficiency Analysis in the development of the 2050 MTP and will be released in August 2021.