2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

ARCHIVED - The 2045 MTP is not CAMPO's latest plan. Visit the Transportation Plan webpage to find the latest.

The Capital Area and the Durham Chapel-Hill Carrboro MPOs coordinated to develop the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Triangle region. The MTP is the long-range plan for transportation improvements across the region. It includes roadway, transit, rail, bicycle, pedestrian and other transportation projects to be implemented through the year 2045.

2045 MTP Adopted: Final Report

Map: Interactive - Roadways (Approved)

Maps: Transit, Bike/Ped, Roadways - PDFs

Process: How the MTP is Developed

Project Maps and Lists Approved by CAMPO's Executive Board

thumbnail of transit mapThe Executive Board unanimously approved the project maps and projects list at their meeting on December 13, 2017. The  "Additional Funding" scenario was approved. 

Final 2045 MTP Report Approved by Executive Board

The final Executive Board action involved in the adoption of the 2045 MTP, approval of the final 2045 MTP Report narratives (now updated with Amendment #1), occurred at their meeting on February 21, 2018. 

Amendment #1

The Executive Board approved Amendment #1 to the 2045 MTP Roadways Project List on January 16, 2019.

Amendment #2

The Executive Board approved Amendment #2 on August 21, 2019

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report

Final Report Document (Entire Report)Cover to 2045 MTP Final Report

Final 2045 Report Document (By Chapters)

  1. Executive Summary
  2. What is the Plan?
  3. About Our Home
  4. Our Vision And How We will Achieve It
  5. How We Developed Our Plan
  6. Analyzing Our Choices
  7. Our Metropolitan Transportation Plan
  8. Our Financial Plan
  9. Critical Factors in the Planning Process
  10. Post-2045 Comprehensive Transportation Plan Projects
  1. Roadways Projects List - Amended January 2019
  2. Transit Technologies and Services
  3. Transit Service List
  4. Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Lists
  5. Autonomous & Connected Vehicles
  6. Complete Streets
  7. Air Quality (MOVES output)
  8. Public Comments
  9. Acronyms
  10. Detailed Transportation and Growth Maps
  11. Year-of-Expenditure Financial Plan
  12. Environmental Justice Maps and Critical Environmental Resource Maps
MTP deveopment process flow chart graphic